Monday, September 5, 2016

Be A Doer

Be a Doer
by Joyce Meyer

But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth].
—James 1:22

Any time you see what the Word says and refuse to do it, reasoning has somehow gotten involved and deceived you into believing something other than the truth. There may be times when you don’t understand everything the Word says, but you should move ahead and do it. God wants you to obey him whether or not you feel like it, want to do it, or think it is a good idea. When God speaks, we are not to question His methods. His ways are not our own.

Proverbs 3:5 says, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.” In other words, don’t rely on reason or logic. When God speaks, we are to mobilize, not rationalize.

From the book Ending Your Day Right by Joyce Meyer. 

Steps of Faith

Faith requires complete trust in God regardless of what we see with our eyes and experience through our emotions. The natural eye will always lead us to think what we see is our reality, when it fact it's just the opposite to those who have a relationship with the Lord. We can not expect our faith to sustain us if we have not exercised that faith in serving God! This requires moment by moment "Steps of faith"!!

Sending A Message

The very clothes that you wear should send a message... We are living not unto ourselves, but we are living so that someone else can see Christ in the way we dress." 

- Bishop Jackie McCullough The Official Rev. Dr. Jacqueline McCullough