Saturday, December 31, 2016

We Made It --His Promises Never Fail or Disappoint!

 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go,  and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” 
Genesis 28:15(NIV)


 As we prayerfully move into 2017 I can't help but meditate on the lyrics of Lemmie Battle and the Chicago Mass Choir  "Thank You, Thank You Jesus"!! "My soul looks back and wonder how YOU brought me over I just want to say Thank You"(OMG)!

During my "E & Lissa" time with my daddy he would always say that each year held a certain amount of trials and tribulations regardless of the level or status of your Christian walk!! Those words ring true each year as I experience various trials and witness first hand the makeup of my family changing right before my very eyes!

I'm Thankful for parents who instilled the importance of a relationship with Christ and attending worship! Amidst the "yearly trials" experienced, as my daddy called them, I can see God's hand in every one of them!!  "You keep on making a way"!

In my Lemmie Battle voice "I GOTTA TELL HIM THANK YA!! He been so good to me!! Anybody owe Him one ?!!"
"Yes Lord" Lissa definitely does!! "When I didn't know what to do Lord I trusted you and YOU pulled me THROUGH”!!

Thank, You Thank You Jesus!! Definitely my testimony for 2016!! 

I dare not  leave 2016 without Thanking The Lord for His Abundant mercy!! And I encourage you to do the same!!

I just gotta tell you THANK YOU JESUS!!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

His Presence is His Present!

The gift giving and receiving season is definitely upon us. The reason for the season often gets lost in the exchanging of gifts. As we grow older though, we begin to appreciate the presence of Christ in our life above what will be under the tree or in our personalized stocking. Now never let it be said that Lissa doesn't love presents. But as I've grown and matured in Christ I realize that tangible items break, wear out, or become obsolete very quickly while His presence in my life remains always and carries me through life even when I don't  realize He's there! I prefer His guidance and direction in life over flashy trinkets and even expensive jewels of which I've had! 

As I honestly dwell on the season and what it means I'm thankful that God sent us the ultimate present "His Special Gift" Jesus Christ!! Without Him I would be nothing!! His presence keeps  me, protects me, directs me and empowers me to be all He has called me to be!! I dread to think where I would be without the present of his presence!!
As we open gifts on Christmas Day let's not forget to bask in His presence remembering that it is the ultimate present and most importantly it costs us nothing to receive it!!

Merry Christmas and make sure you open the present of His presence first on Christmas Day!!

In The Thick Of Things

Saturday, December 17, 2016

National Pearls Day


I love my Pearls!! What better day to celebrate!!

National Wear Your Pearls Day on December 15 reminds us that when life throws dirt our way, we all have value in the end.
Just as pearls come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, so do people and the kinds of trials thrown into our lives. We create our own beauty from the tragedies of our lives but often do not see it. We devalue ourselves and as a result, lose motivation to be a part of life. Like pearls, we develop a process to protect ourselves from further damage, layer by layer becoming stronger and more resourceful. Recognizing the collective value of our strengths is like wearing our pearls.


When life throws dirt your way, put on your pearls as a reminder that you have value regardless of your current circumstances.

Use #NationalWearYourPearlsDay to share on social media and on December 15 wear your pearls.


Best-selling author and motivational speaker, DeAnna Bookert, founded National Wear Your Pearls Day because pearls represented the story of her life and how she struggled with depression. “I wear pearls as a reminder that I have purpose and value.” The Registrar at National Day Calendar approved National Wear Your Pearls Day in 2015 and it is inaugural year is December, 2016!